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Computer Center Marek Domagała
ul. 1 Maja 40C
42-217 Częstochowa
Godziny otwarcia: 8:15-16:15

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(+48) 34 365 51 32

Modern applications



We are a Polish company with 30 years of experience, cooperating with hundreds of companies in Poland and abroad. Being open to the world, we observe the world open to us. Nowadays, it is possible to meet online, which allows us to lead the company from one place. We remotely manage, implement, train, and the satisfaction of our clients is a confirmation that what we do – we do well.

We have been operating on the IT market since 1991 – the knowledge, experience and skills gained during this time allow us to meet the needs of our clients. We know how to optimize processes, how to create work ergonomics – how to earn faster and easier.


We are one of the sales leaders in the network of Comarch’s Authorized Partners.

For years, we have been creating proprietary applications that are used by dozens of customers. Our programming department creates dedicated applications from scratch and modifies existing systems.


We specialize in the integration of IT systems in companies and enterprises of all sizes in each industry, including: construction, transport/logistics/shipping, budgetary, service, accounting offices, medical, food, wholesale and retail trade.


Computer Center provides comprehensive services from the stage of process analysis through the completion of the entire system to installation, implementation and training. Areas in which we specialize: management, e-commerce, accounting, logistics, sale, production, service wages and human resources, BI, WMS, CRM, DMS

Computer Center Poland


Comarch Systems

Tools for managing resources and business processes, such as sales, purchases, production, warehouse, human resources, document workflow, analytics and reports, e-commerce, CRM, WMS, Comarch ERP Optima, Comarch ERP XL, Comarch ERP Enterprise

Original solutions

Modern web applications for company management, dedicated solutions for Comarch and other ERP class systems, individual printouts and reports, modifications to the Comarch ERP XL interface. Interesed? Contact us!


Remote IT support, systems integration, process analysis, implementations, training, consulting, data migration, ensuring the security of company data, protection of information systems, computer network management, virtualization


  • Our proprietary solutions and Comarch systems are within the financial capabilities of every company.
  • We create an offer for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. The systems are modular and expandable
  • 30 years of experience is a guarantee of stability and quality of services provided
  • Our own programming department offers the possibility to create custom software. Impossible topics take only a few hours for our programmers

IT solutions, such as ERP systems – are a very important factor in building a competitive advantage. Get to know the offer of Computer Center and unleash the full potential of your company in the era of universal digitization.


The Computer Center programming department is a dynamically functioning R&D unit, conducting research and development works, acquiring know-how regarding both products and processes and technologies.

• We write dedicated solutions fully integrated with Comarch ERP systems (Optima, XL) or operating independently
• We integrate proprietary applications with external systems
• We modify already owned systems, applications and programs
• We create individual printouts, reports, excel macros

Computer Center Apps

Click and read more!

is a fully web application, which is a mobile add-on to the Comarch ERP Optima system. Thanks to CC ERP WEB, we have access to Optima data around the world from any device. In addition, we expand our ERP with new functions that we describe in individual modules. CC ERP WEB is an application consisting of, among others: Warehouseman (WMS), Production, Quotation, Service, Work time registration.
CC Mobile Warehouseman
is an application supporting work in the warehouse, which is a component of the CC ERP Web application. Warehouseman has the ability to remotely enter and read documents to / from ERP. Everything in a clear and simple graphic overlay. Searching for goods is carried out through a code reader and a search engine built into the application, which speeds up the work. Standard processes are extended by WMS which has the location of goods on shelves.
CC Production
is a web application supporting production processes, which is part of CC ERP WEB. Thanks to the application, it is possible to create production technologies based on defined resources, sockets, operations, etc. After creating the technology, it is possible to generate a production order and its execution. CC Production includes extensive records of activities, material consumption, calculation of manufacturing costs, or production planning – determining order priorities.
CC TeamWork
is an application aimed at, among others improving the organization of work, project management, better task planning, reporting task implementation, storing important documents, working with graphics and other people’s schedule. Communication with the team is possible by means of comments and the communicator . Dynamic notifications ensure that you will not miss any order.
CC Serwis
is a module that improves the work of a mobile service technician in the field. The operator has access to data from Comarch ERP Optima and our service orders anywhere on any device. It easily manages the repair status and description, and has a planned service schedule. The supervisor has access to everything. The application allows you to create many reports for the order, consumption of raw materials, contractor, service technician work, etc.
CC Serwis is part of the CC ERP WEB application.
CC Offer
is a module as a result of which a PDF with the target offer for the customer is created. The offer is created using the print wizard, where the user selects all the data to be included in the offer. Most of the data is selected, not entered – which speeds up the creation of an offer. The entire process is flexible and can be adapted to different companies. Offers are versioned – the full history of negotiations remains in the system. Offers can be easily created from templates. The application is part of CC ERP Web and works as a standalone module.
is a module responsible for recording activities performed by employees in the company. It is possible to record, for example, entry / exit from work, start / stop over an order, stop / pause work, start / stop / pause at the machine and others on request. As a result of logging, extensive analytical reports are created. CC RCP is part of the CC ERP WEB application that can run independently.
CC Return Manager
is an application indispensable in every industry with a high level of returns, e.g. bakery or automotive. Thanks to the application, it is possible to: automate returns, save time, minimize mistakes, service in 3 steps. The application is integrated with the Comarch ERP Optima system, from which it downloads WZ documents and after indicating the returned goods, it automatically generates documents (as well as IE and IE)

How do we work? What technologies do we use?
Desktop applications written in WinForms .NET Framework, WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) technologies .
Web applications written in ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET Framework technologies
• We use programming languages ​​such as JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap libraries or the SQL query language.


Computer Center is a unique combination of two opposing elements: tradition and modernity. Modern IT solutions for companies are our passion. The CC company is a team of well qualified people. Without commitment to work, knowledge and skills, we would not be successful. Our team is:


Experienced experts

Unconventional, creative people with passion



Zdobyte przez 30 lat działalności w sektorze IT ogromne doświadczenie, wiedza i umiejętności pomagają nam w wychodzeniu naprzeciw potrzebom Klientów. Realizujemy wdrożenia systemów ERP w całej Polsce.


Building a competitive advantage

Resource optimization

Efficient process implementation

Shortened time to prepare reports and analyzes

Increase of the company's efficiency

Clear communication

Predictability of costs

Data protection


• are a guarantee of competitiveness through work automation,
• optimize the consumption of the most important resources, such as: time, people, money,
• are user-friendly, have a convenient and simple interface,
• are fully responsive – for use on phones, tablets, laptops
• are a response to the growing needs of customers,
• are within the financial means

Advanced technologies in the dedicated software we write support both small, medium and large enterprises.

IT services


Call: (+48) 34 365 51 32

Pricing, meetings, presentations

Marek Domagała

Computer Center owner

Małgorzata Cierzyńska-Domagała

President of the Management Board of Computer Center sp. z o.o.


    Imię i nazwisko/Firma (wymagane)

    Adres e-mail (wymagane)

    Treść wiadomości

    Administratorem Twoich danych osobowych jest Computer Center (ul. 1 Maja 40C, 42-215 Częstochowa). Dane będą przetwarzane w celu przesłania odpowiedzi na zadane pytanie na podany adres e-mail. Podanie danych jest dobrowolne, ale niezbędne do otrzymania odpowiedzi. Osobie, której dane dotyczą, przysługuje prawo dostępu do treści swoich danych oraz ich poprawiania.

    Computer Center Poland
    ul. 1 Maja 40C
    42-217 Częstochowa, Poland
    (+48) 34 365 51 32
    Opening hours: 8:15-16:15

    ComarchComputer Center - Innowacyjna Gospodarka

    Computer Center (C) 2021. Comarch Partner. All rights reserved.

    Green Studio - Studio projektowania graficznego i drukarnia - ŚwieżePomysł

    Computer Center | Wdrożenia ERP Częstochowa, Comarch ERP Optima, Comarch ERP XL